Friday 29 August 2014

Graphic Photos: Mother's Horror after Cheap Boob Job Nearly Kills Her

A beauty therapist who went abroad for a bargain boob job was horrified when the implants burst through her skin just days later, nearly killing her. 

DailyMail reports Claire Hawker, 30 years old and a single mother, had been recommended the cosmetic surgeon in Prague by a friend and was initially delighted with her new figure. But just days after returning home, her size G breasts started leaking a brown discharge and suddenly burst. 

She was rushed to hospital and surgeons warned the mother-of-two she would die if the implants were not removed immediately. Recounting her experience, Ms Hawker says:

‘I remember feeling scared then angry when I was told my implants would have to be taken out - but I had no choice. I had wanted bigger boobs for almost a decade because they had really sagged after having children. My confidence was rock bottom.'
See photos below




Last year Ms Hawker underwent further surgery in the UK to correct the damage and enlarge her breasts again

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