Thursday 18 September 2014

Nigerian LGBTs awaits Abuja judges decision on anti-gay law repeal

This is a press release I just received from a group...and erm...I really don't know how to do an intro but it looks like Nigerian LBGTs (Lesbian, Bisexuals, Gays and Transgender) filed a suit against the Federal Govt stating that the anti-gay law is unconstitutional. Find the press release below..
Whilst  the  whole  world  looks  & waits  with  baited  breaths  on  whether Scotland would gain her independence from the UK after over 300 years as part of the Union.   Nigerian LGBTs along with Messers Ebah Joseph Teriah [claimant] and Joseph Ebah [Enahoro and Associates] legal brief for the claimant also await with baited breaths, to learn the outcome of his Justice Abdu Kafarati ‘s ruling on the claim filed against the Federal Govt in the Abuja High Court  earlier this year. Ruling due on September 25th

Mr Joseph Teriah Ebah a straight ally had filed a claim against the Nigerian Govt onConstitutional grounds , the claim stated that the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition ) Act 2014 a.k.a. Anti Gay Law  was unconstitutional as it failed to take into consideration the fundamental human rights of the Nigerian LGBT community.     
Ms Elizabeth Funke Obisanya (Hrh), a Christian LGBT film maker  (Producer – Magdas lesbian lover – MLL©)  seen here at the Zafaa Film awards submitters event last month , added to the argument  - “ the law not only took away the rights of  LGBTs to be who they are – Jesus paid the penalty price we are told in Galatians 3:13 so why the persecutions the law creates an environment of persecution and sufferings for the LGBTs community.  Many have been thrown out of their homes, jobs, families, beaten up and publically humiliated - all backed up by the President and the Senators.
At a time when most of the African Nations have taken the anti gay stance would Nigeria break away from the homophobic fold and do what is right according to the Nigerian Constitution and allow equal rights for ALL NIGERIANS? Or would the senators and Goodluck Jonathan remain in violation of their respective  oaths to Nigerians and the  nation?
A statement by Messers Ebah follows shortly,…

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