Thursday 18 September 2014

Nigerian Troops Conquer & Parades An APC Captured From Boko Haram

Nigerian Soldiers returning from a successful routing of Boko Haram militants in Konduga near Maiduguri jubilate on the streets of the state capital celebrating the capture of an Armed Personnel Carrier (APC) with the insignia of the militants sect. The Defence Headquarters announced the success of the Nigerian troops over the Islamist insurgents who attempted to retake Konduga.

 It took 12 hours of fighting in the outskirts of Borno State community before the Nigerian troops successfully crushed the insurgents.
“Right now, our troops are combing the vicinity of the battle scene in a cordon and search operation to determine the exact casualty figures suffered by the terrorists in the encounter, “Meanwhile, 3 Hilux vehicles, 1 Armoured Personnel Carrier and a cache of arms and ammunition were confirmed captured by the troops.” 

Photo Credit: AITonline

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