Thursday 23 October 2014

The Agony Begins: Oscar Pistorius Cries Himself To Sleep At Night In Prison

South African Olympic gold medal star and girlfriend killer, Oscar Pistoriuscried himself to sleep on the first night of his five-year jail term for shooting dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.  The 27-year-old star was taken to the Kgosi Mampuru Prison in Pretoria to serve his jail term. Wearing an orange jump-suit, sources claimed that Pistorius wept when he was placed in his cell until falling asleep. Pistorius is expected to serve just ten months of his five-year jail term.

A jail source told The Citizen'You could hear him. Shortly after the door closed you could hear the tears … he was torn up. Broken. The crying went on and on. We think he stopped when he fell asleep. It was really bad.'
The Correctional Services department refused to comment on the claims. Department spokesman Manelisi Wolea said: 'We have never given a blow-by-blow account of how an offender is progressing on a day to day basis. We have never done that for other offenders and we won’t do that for him.'  
The kingpin of one of its notorious 'numbers gangs' has already threatened to order 'a hit' on Pistorius if he is shown preferential treatment. Khalil Subjee,who is known as The General, leads the feared 26s gang which rewards acts of violence with promotion within the gang hierarchy.

Mr Morwane insisted the prison's most famous inmate would 'certainly not' enjoy any special treatment during his incarceration.

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