Wednesday 13 August 2014

Dawn Of A New Era: ISIS Supporters Hands Out Leaflets In London Encouraging People To Move To Newly Proclaimed Islamic State

ISIS supporters have been handing out leaflets to London's Oxford Street shoppers encouraging them to leave Britain for its new Islamic state. The radicals stood in front of posters declaring 'the dawn of a new era has begun' in reference to the caliphate and their literature praised the 'sacrifices' made in the Middle East. Scotland Yard has said today it is investigating whether the men were breaking terror laws.
One Muslim woman who confronted the men, believed to be from Luton and linked to hate preachers Anjem Choudary and Omar Bakri, said she was racially abused. Asmaa Al-kufaishi, tweeted: 'This group are promoting ISIS on Oxford Street. Racially abused us when we spoke out. They don’t know Islam. 'Promoting death of innocent people, telling me to die because of my faith and race and insulting me is not Islamic behaviour.'

Rules: The literature sets out how people should live their lives and encourages them to leave Britain for the caliphate

Pictures of the men and their leaflets have spread across social media. The literature describes the 'glad tidings' that 'Muslims with the help of Allah have announced the re-establishment of the Khilafah and appointed an imam as a Khaleef.' It also sets out seven rules for supporters, including to 'obey' the leaders of ISIS, Sharia law, 'migrate' from the UK to the caliphate and 'expose lies' about the extremist group.

Today, ISIS, which now styles itself simply Islamic State (IS), has become a powerful military force that now has control of an area larger than Great Britain. Its extremists which include hundreds of Britain have carried out such acts of such extreme brutality that Al Qaeda has severed all links with them.

Anger: Shoppers on Oxford Street confronted the men and a Muslim woman said she was racially abused 

The leafleting yesterday has led to calls for police action. A Met spokesman said: 'The MPS has been made aware, via social media, of leaflets which reports state were being distributed in the Oxford Street area. We are assessing the content of the leaflets to establish whether any criminal offences have been committed'.

Ghaffar Hussain, managing director of the anti-extremism foundation Quilliam, said it is a 'clear breach of the law. 'This is a very disturbing development but one that should not come as a surprise since we are aware that around 500 British nationals have joined up with ISIS already. 'We need to have a zero tolerance policy towards ISIS supporters and recruiters in the UK.'

Source: DailyMail UK

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