Saturday 4 October 2014

Gov. Oshiomhole Scraps 35-Year Retirement Policy For Edo Workers

Edo State Governor, Adams Oshiomole has cancelled the 35-year retirement policy for the workers in Edo State, the workers are to retire at age 60 regardless of putting 35 years in the state civil service or not. While Governor Oshiomole was talking at the meeting with the labour leaders which took place at government house, he said the 35-years policy was unpleasant. According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Below is what the Governor declared:

“Our own anniversary gift to workers of Edo State, especially those in the public service has to do with the issue of pension. Over the years, while I was in the NLC, I had wondered why we have a policy in the public sector which is unique to the public sector in which we appear to punish experience. We are compelled to retire because you have put in X number of years.

“Having taken the pains to clean up our records and carry out appropriate biometrics of our public servants and made corrections where errors were discovered, I believe that about 90 to 95 per cent of our records as regards to age can now be said to be correct.
“That being so, there is no reason for us to continue to use our obnoxious policy of 35 years as a basis to determine one’s years of service in the public service. Therefore, government has decided to abolish this policy and uphold only that aspect of retirement that has to do with age".

“So in Edo State with effect from today, I will effect an executive order to abolish the federal circular which imposes 35 years as a condition for retirement. Henceforth, Edo State Public servants shall retire only when they have attained the age of 60. However, if any public official chooses to retire earlier, that will be seen as a voluntary retirement and will be accordingly allowed to retire".

 “In other climes, number of years of experience is something to be rewarded. It is not a basis for termination or forced retirement but I do understand that some other aspects of our national life, we have evolved policies on seeking the easiest escape route to a complex problem because government could not cope with the issues of falsification of age, people swearing to false affidavit, I think over the period, government appeared to have resolved the issue by compelling everybody to retire once there is evidence that you have put in 35 years.

“We have reflected on all this. This year, I have seen a lot of young people, still strong and hardworking, and we have lost them because they had to retire because they have put in 35 years even when they were not 60 years old", he said.

"I have seen some people retire at the age of 55, some even at the age of 44 because they started working at the age of 20.
“Consistent with our commitment to reforms, and interrogating every public policy that we inherited, I am convinced that this policy is no longer in the interest of the people of Edo State and certainly not in the interest of workers and employees in the public service.

“It is my hope comrades that with this policy, we recognize that whatever we are trying to do has a purpose and ultimately there is only one thing that is important to us, ensuring that in all that we do, we keep our eyes on the board and taking Edo to the next level by ensuring we get value for our money.”

Source: AITonline

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